Rescuing Fruits and Vegetables
Calling all farmers across the world
We are on a mission "Rescuing Fruits & Vegetables" across the world
Every year, millions of pounds of produce is left to rot as there are farmers that do not have the means or the hands to help harvest all the products produced, or to get the produce out. We aim to rescue this produce to provide food to those that are in need.
Contact us if you are in this position or know someone who is. This is not limited to the United States, this is a world-wide movement.
Our MISSION is to Connect F&V growers, handlers, workers and marketers who have surplus or unsold produce with community groups, families and local organizations who serve people who need improved access to fresh and nutritious foods. Create jobs, income, healthy food sources, and strong farm communities.
Expected results and impacts: Farmers sell more of the fresh produce they grow, and earn more profits. Food banks and food rescue organizations connect more people, purchase and handle more fresh and processed F&V and serve more people. People in food deserts and low income areas in every country on (New) Earth gain improved access to fresh and healthy foods.
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